Friday, February 26, 2010

Kyleigh's Birthday

Kyleigh celebrated her 2nd birthday at the beginning of February. She wasn't able to celebrate as many times as Reagan did, but she didn't seem to mind! This is one of those very busy months for Dustin, so I was very happy that he wasn't on call or had to work late. We were able to have a very nice little celebration with our baby!
She opened her first gift, it was just some socks or clothes, and she said, "Oh wow, Mommy, wow!" It was so sweet! She is really growing up, and changing right before my eyes. It's a little bittersweet. Here are a few pics from our big girl's birthday.

Ready and waiting for some presents!

Still young enough that she is thrilled with clothes!

Modeling her new jammies

"Mommy, look at what I have learned!"

Kyleigh loves to play with her babies--the stroller was a big hit!

She is a Smith--loves her cake!

My sweet, sweet girl!

1 comment:

Smith said...

I can't believe how grown-up she is! What a cutie-pie! I know she keeps you busy, but I bet it's hard to be mad at her, too, since she's so adorable. Hope to see you all sometime soon. Love, Aunt B.